Master of Science in Applied Statistics

Degree Requirements

Course Requirements:

A total of 31 credit hours, including the following 5 courses:

  • STAT-S 520: Introduction to Statistics, or a more advanced course on statistical theory approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.  The Department offers two advanced theory sequences.  STAT-S 621-622 is a 2-semester theory sequence for students in the M.S. in Statistical Science degree program. STAT-S 721-722 is a 2-semester theory sequence for students in the Ph.D. in Statistical Science degree program.  These courses assume STAT-S 520 and suitable mathematical background.  A student who fulfills the MSAS theory requirement by taking STAT-S 520 is welcome to then take an advanced theory class as an elective.
  • One of the following:
    • STAT-S 610: Introduction Statistical Computing
    • STAT-S 611: Statistical Computing
    • STAT-S 612: Managing Statistical Research: The Workflow Of Data Analysis
  • STAT-S 631: Applied Linear Models I
  • STAT-S 632: Applied Linear Models II
  • STAT-S 690: Statistical Consulting

One additional course taken from the Department of Statistics.

The remaining 12 credit hours must be taken in an area relevant to the field of Statistics, and must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.

Admission Guidelines

The M.S. in Applied Statistics is intended for the student pursuing a Ph.D. in another field at Indiana University who wishes to enhance his or her statistical knowledge and credentials by obtaining a graduate degree in Statistics in addition to a graduate degree in his or her primary field of study. 

*If you are not a current Ph.D. student at Indiana University, Bloomington, you are not eligible for admission to this program.  Please see information for the M.S. in Statistical Science degree program.*

  1. Admission to this program requires that the student be admitted to another graduate program at IU, is in good academic standing, and has permission from the Director of Graduate Studies of his or her primary department.
  2. Students must be admitted to the program before they begin their 6th course toward the degree.
  3. There are guidelines set forth by the University Graduate School regarding how much overlap of coursework there can be when a student is pursuing two degrees (see academic bulletin entry here). Therefore, students must be careful when choosing their courses. If you are considering pursuing this degree, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies immediately.

Application Process

  1. Meet with the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Statistics to discuss your proposed coursework. Bring a copy of the departmental application form with you to the meeting. 
  2. Complete the Graduate School application for admission.
    • The online application can be found here.
    • NOTE: Only complete the sections of the online application that are marked with an asterisk.
    • There is a $70 application fee when you submit your application online. If you are currently enrolled in a graduate program and are applying to a second program in the same school, you are eligible for a reduced application fee of $35 (see details here). If your current program is outside the College this fee cannot be waived.
  3. Submit the following to


If you have any questions about the application process please contact or the Director of Graduate Studies.

Director of Graduate Studies