The field of Statistics offers a variety of exciting career opportunities. Statistics deals with methods for the collection, visualization, modeling, and analysis of data. Massive amounts of data are now routinely collected in business, health, environment, engineering, and social sciences. Statistics is the science that transforms these data into information that is critical for decision making. Statistics has always played a major role in marketing, public policy, social sciences, and health sciences through the design and analysis of surveys. More recently, statistical methods have been an important part of advances in medicine and engineering such as genetics, tomography, speech recognition, computational vision, and so on. Statistics is a vibrant field that is embarking on an even more exciting journey as we move ahead to the data-rich, information era of the 21st century.
A current challenge facing the field is Big Data and the exponential growth of data being generated worldwide that await analyses. A consequence is that the demand for skilled statisticians has been steadily rising.
Our degree is designed to serve the needs of students who wish to pursue a career after completing a B.S. degree as well as students with an interest in graduate education. We offer a broad variety of classes taught by dedicated and experienced faculty and our coursework is designed to provide solid training in statistical methods and applications.