Michael Trosset
Professor of Statistics / Director of Graduate Studies
Course Requirements: Doctoral students obtaining a Ph.D. in another discipline at Indiana University are welcome to choose Statistics as an outside minor. Four graduate courses in statistics are required, at least three of which must be at the 600-level or above taken from the Department of Statistics. The specific minor courses must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies of the Department of Statistics.
Most students begin the Ph.D. minor by taking STAT-S 520, followed by STAT-S 631-632 and an elective. Students interested in statistical computing should consider STAT-S 610, students interested in applied data analysis should consider STAT-S 670, and students interested in statistical theory should consider STAT-S 621.
Ph.D. Minor Course Proposal Form
Certificate of Completion of the Ph.D. Minor in Statistical Science
Research Paper: Not Required.
If you are interested in minoring in Statistics, then please contact the Director of Graduate Studies.
Professor of Statistics / Director of Graduate Studies
Main Office:
Swain Hall East 215
729 E. 3rd Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Mailing Address:
Rawles Hall 120
831 E. 3rd Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: 812.855.7828
Fax: 812.855.7811