Dual M.S. in Statistical Science and an M.S. in Data Science

Admission Guidelines

Students entering our Dual M.S degree program in Statistical Science and Data Science program should already have received an offer of admission from the Data Science degree program.

Admission to this program requires that the student be in good academic standing, and has permission from the Data Science Director of Graduate Studies.

Admission Process

  1. Meet with the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Statistics to discuss your proposed coursework. Bring a copy of the departmental application form with you to the meeting.
  2. Complete the Graduate School application for admission.
    • The online application can be found here.
    • NOTE: Only complete the sections of the online application that are marked with an asterisk.
    • There is a $70 application fee when you submit your application online. If your current program is in the College of Arts and Sciences this fee will be waived (see details here). If your current program is outside the College this fee cannot be waived.


If you have any questions about the application process please contact statdept@iu.edu or the Director of Graduate Studies.



Director of Graduate Studies